Chile reaches young American scientist who invented method of diagnosing cancer 26,000 times cheaper

Jack Andraka is 16 years old. He was born in Crownsville, Maryland (USA). His favorite show is Glee. So far, a normal child. But at the end of 2013 he was chosen by TIME as one of the 30 people under 30 who are changing the world for an invention that could revolutionize oncology: a device for identifying pancreatic cancer 168 times faster, 26,000 times cheaper the current system, which has more than 60 years. He was 13 when a friend of his close family, died of pancreatic cancer. "I was very angry. Was not even clear what a pancreas was and why it had taken so quickly, "he says. The penalty gave him, led him to seek answers on the Internet, where he discovered that 85% of those who die from the disease is diagnosed late.